Wednesday, June 20, 2007

siapa saya..

Picture this! A short tiny girl, with a very chubby cheek that often blushing. Not very attractive girl, but very lucky to have a great family, superb husband, lovely friends and tons of secret admirer ;) (he..he..this one is a joke :p)

Call her MOY, while she, in a narcissi way like to write MOOI to point upon her self :D

She went to the best school in the country, although she never leave Jakarta, here’s the list :

TK Kartini
Is in Pondok Pucung, a suburb area of South Jakarta. Just 10 minutes away walking on foot. I was 5 when I went there, and I was walking by with 2 friends, but no adults (huh, so independent ;) )

SD Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pembangunan
Since my mom very concerned about my religious life, she wanted me here. Luckly, I meet some good teacher and friends that are smart and nice. Badly, it didn’t turn me out as a ‘good n religiously’ girl :D

SDN Kramat Pela 07
In 6th grade I move to this school. This school quite good in rank of elementary school in South Jakarta, although I must say that the teacher not as good as my old school. I meet new experience here, not a good one, but hell an experience.
I find out why this school is ‘considerably’ good ;) On our last examination to choose junior high, teachers ask away some money, they say it’s for the teacher’s fee. I never realized it back there, until there’s ‘answered key’ given away to some fellow student. I was surprised, and tend to look it too. But then I remember what my mom used to taught me: if you can’t do it, then you’re not able to. Don’t cheat away, because then you wouldn’t know your real ability. So I just look at the answered key, but I didn’t follow it, I just passed it to other friends (plus I notice some ‘wrong’ answered there).
The result is out, and I beat all the smart student in my class :D it turns out they follow the answer key mistakes, ho..ho.. Fooled them! Btw, I score 44,75 for 5 major, not superb, but quite impressive for me :)

SMP 11
The greatest thing I get when I went there is, I meet truly best friends ever since. The smart Dian, the beautiful Tisa, and the humorous Kiky.

SMU 70
Great school, huge playing fields, tons of classes and lots of rumble :D it’s very nice to spend 3 years there. Meet another nice friends, specially on 3rd grade, Bunga, Deden, Kekem, DeEf, Liana, Farah, and many others. Here, I find out a lot of first time, he..he.. 1st camping, 1st wall climbing, 1st mountaineering, 1st great outdoor SISGAHANA team, 1st heartache, 1st boyfriend, 1st kiss, 1st break up, 1st truancies, hua..ha..ha :D I surely did many bad things back there..

Universitas Indonesia
Have I mentioned that I’m a very lucky girl? Well, this luck hasn’t done yet. Yup, I went to Indonesia’s best University, I got accepted in FISIP, Majoring Communication.
Later on I choose Mass Communication as my subject, which concentrate on media. Range from newspaper, radio, to television. I learn how to work in real life on my internship. Pikiran Rakyat (current issue at Jakarta Biro), Bisnis Indonesia (as feature writer on specialization of healthy life and automotive), Metro TV (production staff for election program, Menuju RI 1), just a few of them.
Quite an experience huh ;p I didn’t mind to work overtime, Dini (Kekem’s girl which turns out to be my best friend too) says that I’m a workaholic. Well, not that much actually, I just love new things and always try to be good at it.
Anyway, I get my academic degree in a incredible time. To look back, its quite impressive (yeah, tell to my self ;p). My sister gain her master degree in De Hague University (STUNED Scholarship), and she invite my mom and me to attend her graduation. Lucky us, she saving money for us to traveling around Europe! What unforgettable moment ;) But actually the time we spend in Europe is a crucial time for me, because an examination is waiting for me when I get back to Indonesia, and if I failed, I will have to repeat it next year. That’s the 1st thing, the 2nd thing is during my internship at Metro TV is really get my time. By the time I finish the internship, I only got, like 2 month to finish my mini thesis, so I could graduate exactly 4 years.
Another luck, yet mom prayers, I succeed. And very happy and proud about it :)
To close the story, after i get through my mini-thesis examination and consider it pass, my boss at Metro TV called, and ask me to apply there. so now i work there ;)

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